6 easy to grow smokable herbs for your garden
It’s that time of the year when we clear the Winter growth from our herb gardens and poke seeds and starters into the soil for a bountiful harvest through the Summer and Autumn months. Did you know that many of your culinary herbs have a wonderful additional benefit of smokability? Here is a list of 6 easy to grow culinary herbs that can also be smoked.
NOTE: when growing plants from starts vs seeds, please be sure to select certified organic varieties to ensure that no chemical pesticides or fertilizers are applied to the plant. Always wash herbs thoroughly after harvesting and before drying to remove any soil, dust, and bugs.
Common Sage - Salvia Officinalis
- Grow: This is a beautiful small shrub to plant directly in the ground but it also does well in medium size containers so it has ample root insulation and space to grow. Plant in well draining soil with full sun exposure.
- Harvest: Pinch off leaves or remove sprigs of new growth from the plant for the most flavor. Slow dry leaves in a single layer over a screen, net or in a food dehydrator to ensure ample airflow.
- Smoking: grounding and fragrant. Use a small amount of the leaves in your smoking blend to contribute flavor.
Lavender - Lavendula angustifolia
- Grow: Very tolerant shrub that can grow happily in planters or in the ground, just be sure the roots do not get waterlogged. Best if grown from a plug as opposed to seeds.
- Harvest: snip flowering stems before the petals have emerged from their buds. Bundle stems and hang upside down to dry for a few weeks. Simply shake the bundles to release the dried flowers. Collect for smoking or other culinary purposes.
- Smoking: relaxing and fragrant. Use a very small amount of the flower buds in your smoking blend to contribute flavor and enjoy it’s relaxing properties. Don’t add too much or the smoke can become harsh.
Peppermint - Mentha x piperita
- Grow: Best to keep this beauty in a container unless you want it to run rampant in your garden. Mint likes to grow in moist, well draining soil.
- Harvest: Pluck the young leaves (more flavorful) or cut the stems one inch from the soil right before they begin flowering. Slow dry leaves in a single layer over a screen, net or in a food dehydrator to ensure ample airflow.
- Smoking: cooling menthol and invigorating. Add a small amount of the young leaves to your smoking blend for a fresh minty flavor. Don’t add too much or the smoke can become harsh.
Catnip - Nepeta cataria
- Grow: A cousin to peppermint, catnip is prone to aggressive spreading so it’s best to grow this plant in a container. Plant in compost-rich, well drained soil. Water weekly or when soil is mostly dry.
- Harvest: Pluck leaves anytime once the plant has grown to 6+ inches tall. If smoking, harvest the leaves before the plant blooms for a milder flavor and smoother draw. Slow dry leaves in a single layer over a screen, net or in a food dehydrator to ensure ample airflow.
- Smoking: Mild neutral flavor and calming. The leaves of this herb are a great base for your smoking blend due to their mild flavor and full bodied smoke.
Mullein - Verbascum thapsus L.
- Grow: Mullein can become invasive and difficult to eradicate if planted directly in the ground, so consider establishing it in a larger planter. Do not apply mulch to the soil as mullein does best in well draining soil. Water maybe once a week or less if soil is still wet.
- Harvest: Pluck leaves by hand when the plant is in bloom (late spring to early summer). Slow dry leaves in a single layer over a screen, net or in a food dehydrator to ensure ample airflow. Dried mullein leaf can cause itchy skin or allergic reactions in some people so use caution when handling and storing.
- Smoking: Mild neutral flavor and calming. The leaves of this herb are a great base for your smoking blend due to their mild flavor and expectorant properties.
Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium
- Grow: Wormwood is a drought tolerant shrub that prefers full sun and well drained/dry soil. It can grow to 4ft high so plant in a space with plenty of room to grow.
- Harvest: Harvest the leaves when the plant is flowering during the summer months. Slow dry leaves in a single layer over a screen, net or in a food dehydrator to ensure ample airflow.
- Smoking: Use a small amount of wormwood along with other herbs, like cannabis, to enhance the loosening and relaxing experience. Wormwood should be smoked on an occasional basis rather than daily because it contains a monoterpene called thujone, which can be toxic in high/frequent doses. Do not consume while pregnant.