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The Best Herbs to Pair with Cannabis

Combining different herbs with cannabis can not only enhance the sensory experience but also potentially alter the effects of your smoke session. From calming chamomile to soothing mullein, there are a wide variety of herbs that can complement and enhance the flavors, aromas, and effects of cannabis. In this article, we'll explore the art of pairing smokable herbs with cannabis, providing insights into popular herbal choices, potential benefits, and tips for creating your own pairings.Β 

Smokable Botanicals To Enhance Your High

  1. Chamomile: Cannabis can sometimes have a strong effect, and if you're looking to balance it out with a calming herb, chamomile is a perfect choice. Known for its relaxing properties, chamomile can help mellow out the intensity of cannabis, making for a more soothing and tranquil smoking experience.
  2. Peppermint: If you're in need of a pick-me-up, peppermint is a flavorful herb that can add a nice cooling sensation to the inhale. Its invigorating flavor and aroma can awaken your senses and provide a revitalizing effect, complementing the uplifting effects of cannabis strains that are known for their energetic properties.
  3. Lavender: Lavender, known for its calming properties, contains the terpene linalool, which is also commonly found in cannabis. Lavender can complement the relaxing effects of cannabis and add a soothing floral note to your smoking experience. Be mindful not to include too much lavender as it can become harsh and leave a soapy taste in large proportions.Β 
  4. Mullein: Mullein is a popular herb that has been traditionally used in herbal smoking blends. It has a mild flavor and is known for its soothing effects on the respiratory system. Mullein can help to reduce coughing and irritation that may be associated with smoking, making it a great addition to your cannabis ritual.
  5. Rose: The delicate floral notes of rose petals can complement the natural flavors of cannabis, adding a touch of sweetness and complexity to your session. Rose shares a common terpene with cannabis called geraniol, which gives the rose its scent, and often shows up in strains that contain linalool (found in lavender). Be mindful not to include too much rose as it can become harsh and leave a soapy taste in large proportions.Β 
  6. Raspberry leaf: the most neutral of all the herbs covered so far, raspberry leaf makes a great base for any smoking blend or preroll. Its effects are less noteworthy when smoked (than if steeped as a tea, for example), but it's slightly sweet taste and smooth pull provide a wonderful consistency to layer in a sprinkle of your favorite strain, especially if you’re looking to enjoy the ritual of smoking without getting too high.Β 

How To Mix Your Weed For The Perfect High

The key to finding the best herbs to pair with cannabis is experimentation! Everyone's taste preferences and desired effects may vary, so feel free to get creative and try different combinations to find your perfect pairing. Here are some tips for experimenting with herbal combinations:

  1. Start with Small Amounts: When experimenting with herbal combinations, it's best to start with small amounts to gauge the effects and flavors. Add a pinch or a small sprinkle of the herb to your cannabis, and gradually increase the amount until you find the desired balance.
  2. Take Note of Flavors and Effects: As you experiment with different herbs, pay attention to the flavors and effects they bring to your smoking experience. Take notes on the combinations you enjoy the most and the effects they have on your mood and overall experience.
  3. Mix and Match: Don't be afraid to mix and match different herbs to create your own unique blend. You can even create your own signature herbal blend that complements your favorite strain of cannabis.
  4. Consider the Terpenes: Terpenes are the aromatic compounds found in both cannabis and herbs that contribute to their flavors and effects. Consider the terpene profiles of both your cannabis strain and the herbs you're pairing it with to create a harmonious blend that complements each other's terpene profiles.
  5. Use caution: DO NOT smoke just anything you have in your pantry or garden. Some herbs and botanicals can be toxic to inhale or ingest. Additionally, not all smokable herbs are processed to be safe for inhalation (free of pesticides and mold). It’s wise to research the herbs and botanicals you are interested in to see if they have an established use, then be sure to acquire your ingredients from a reputable and transparent source. Look for food grade, organic, or pesticide-free and ideally request COAs if possible.

If you’re looking for which strains to pair with your smoking herbs, be sure to check this blog post about the science of strain pairing. Want some pre-mixed botanicals to mix with your cannabis? Look no further, bae, we got you covered. Shop this blog below!

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